IMISCOE research series now accepted for Scopus! 

INvisible migrant nightworkers in 24/7 London
Due 2022.

This fine-grained night ethnography captures the hidden labour of migrant nightworkers in 24/7 London. And it argues that late capitalism normalises nightwork, yet refuses to recognise the associated problems, from lack of decent working conditions to the seizure of the workers’ private time for self-development, family and social life. By pointing out how the production of disposability merging with that of invisibility pushes nightworkers to the lowest level of precarity, the book provides insights that have so far escaped to transnational migration scholars. In this vein, it foregrounds a temporal axis with which to think about the invisibilisation of certain forms of work, next to the spatial axis already employed to understand a similar process in the case of domestic labour. The book will be an excellent resource for labour regulators, experts and student researchers in migration, work and gender.
Psyche and Martial Arts: Self-realisation through martial arts
ISBN-10 : 3838393937 | ISBN-13 : 978-3838393933
Out of print.
In the last 35 years, Western scientists have acknowledged the psychological/therapeutic benefits gained through practice of Oriental martial arts. Rather recent writings of analytical psychologists have analysed the methods of ancient martial arts that combine combat with spiritual training to develop a healthy mind, body and spirit. Up to now, very limited research has been carried out into the role martial arts training plays in one's self-development. This study places martial arts in the same line with traditional somato and verbal psychotherapies concerned with psychological wellbeing. The investigative research carried out in this book follows Carl G. Jung's Analytical Psychology framework and explores the aspects and means found in the practice of martial arts and their connectedness with the process of Self-realisation. The study illustrates the journeys of seven martial artists and analyzes the meanings they make of their journeys on the Way of the Warrior to wholeness, inner peace and harmony. This book will be an interesting reading for practitioners of both fields, Psychology and martial arts or anyone interested in their own journey of personal realisation.
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