Appeared on "Sfertul Academic" by Antropedia
with "The Night Shift" (Tura de Noapte)
Here, I contributed aside many Romanian researchers to "Sfertul Academic" project by Antropedia.
The original text is in Romanian. The text is complemented by a podcast. Speakers of Romanian language can listen to actor Dan Popa reading the text here.
Below is the abstract to the text in English (to be published soon).
Abstract - The nadir point is sometimes reached between 4 and 6 in the morning and represents the lowest level of activity of the human body during the 24-hour life cycle. During that time, I often felt like I was losing my balance and my whole body was getting tired. It was strange, physically and mentally, as if the ground was running from underneath my feet, as if I would ‘hear’ my body ‘screaming’ that it wants to lie down, but I couldn't stop, because I had to carry crates and bags, most of the time with a client in my shadow. I have heard and felt what nadir is for the first time in my life during the nightshift as a night ethnographer.